Napolitano: Trump will testify at his impeachment trial and it'll be the most...
No, dude, he will not. For cripes sake. Can you imagine the horror among Trump's advisors and Senate cronies if he suddenly started chirping about wanting to testify? They're on a glide path to...
View ArticleBari Weiss: Anti-Semitic violence and the curious lack of public outrage
Bari Weiss is a fairly prominent opinion writer and her piece was published in one of the country's most prominent papers. Still, she argues pretty persuasively that the rise of anti-Semitism around...
View ArticleCNN: Three House Dems signal opposition to impeachment -- and perhaps the...
After weeks of hearings, hyperbole, and histrionics over Ukraine-Gate, have House Democrats advanced the case for impeachment? Not only have they not moved the polling, they may have lost ground -- in...
View ArticleThe guy from the Peloton ad is disappointed in ... me
Every blogger's dream is to make such an impact in their coverage of a story that they become part of the story. Today that dream came true.I think. I can't tell if this is a joke or not. The guy who...
View ArticleKaren McDougal sues FNC for defamation over Tucker Carlson's remarks
You remember Karen McDougal, right? The former Playboy model who cashed in on an alleged affair with Donald Trump in 2006 and sold her story to the National Enquirer just before the 2016 election is...
View Article11th Circuit to hear Florida transgender bathroom case
We've had a number of lawsuits related to transgender issues percolating through the courts for the past ten years without any sort of final resolution being reached. That may change with the arrival...
View ArticleBoom! Job creation in November best in a year
Santa left an early present in Donald Trump's stocking -- via the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Job creation in November hit a one-year high and marked only the third time in 2019 that the US economy...
View ArticleBloomberg: Hey, I'm not buying the nomination, I just can't be bought myself
Doesn't this sound a little ... Trumpian? Newly minted presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg sat down with CBS This Morning's Gayle King to explain his late entry into the Democratic primary, and...
View ArticleOh my: Former "Top Gear" host tells "mad and dangerous" Thunberg to go "back...
The surprise here isn't former Top Gear host went after sixteen-year-old environmental scold Greta Thunberg. Jeremy Clarkson ripped her in a scathing op-ed back in September when the...
View ArticleDem Chris Murphy: Yes, I've spoken to Republicans in the Senate who are...
It's a testament to how tepid the public reaction to Schiff's impeachment hearings has been that this perfectly predictable admission by Murphy feels shocking. There are still Senate Republicans who...
View ArticleWhy did a Polish politician tweet old photo of gun gesture against Trump?
A Polish politician tweeted out an old picture Thursday showing him making an odd gesture behind President Trump's back. The reason seems to be an attempt to take a poke at President Trump. Why else...
View ArticleAdam Schiff and AOC take on food stamp rule, get it wrong
Did someone send out a list of talking points for Democrats to use when attacking the Trump administration's new food stamps rule without first reading the rule? I'm not sure how else to explain what...
View ArticleTurley: Many unfunny things happened at and after the impeachment forum
Most conservatives and Republicans saw Jonathan Turley's testimony at the House Judiciary Committee impeachment hearing as a triumph for his meticulous argument against the proceedings. Turley himself...
View ArticleSaudi national responsible for Florida naval base shooting (Update)
No one is saying this is terrorism at this point but authorities are certainly going to consider that a possibility in light of this information. The mass shooting took place this morning at the Naval...
View ArticlePelosi: I'll have no regrets if impeachment leads to Trump being reelected
This is the opposite of the truth, needless to say.It's almost as ludicrous as if Mitch McConnell had declared during the summer of 2016 that he'd have no regrets about holding Scalia's SCOTUS seat...
View ArticleNYT: Yeah, everything we knew about the jobs market was wrong
This admission is long overdue, but it's less about the New York Times than on the media in general. For several years, media outlets claimed that we had reached peak employment in the latter half of...
View ArticleHarry Reid: These candidates 'better be careful' not to drift too far left
The Atlantic published a piece today about Harry Reid's potential role as kingmaker within his own party. Reid is very ill with pancreatic cancer. The piece says bluntly "his pancreatic cancer was...
View ArticleNikki Haley: The Charleston killer hijacked the meaning of the Confederate flag
More than two million views for this clip this afternoon on Twitter. She's getting a bad rap for it abetted by the framing of the tweet below, which comes from -- ta da -- Media Matters. Watch, then...
View ArticleFire Drill Fridays joins larger group of climate alarmists to shut down D.C.
A coalition called Shut Down DC teamed up with actress and activist Jane Fonda and friends to shut down downtown Washington, D.C. Friday. As you know, if it's Friday, it's time for a Fire Drill Fridays...
View ArticleDavid Brooks: 'I was once a socialist'
David Brooks isn't usually my cup of tea but yesterday he wrote an opinion piece about his own youthful socialism which I was happy to see appearing at the NY Times. Brooks says he began to change his...
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