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Can you address homelessness by building them their own city?

We've addressed the homelessness crisis on the west coast, particularly in California, more times than I can count. California has the highest number of homeless people in the country. (Washington,...

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Just a reminder that Democrats can get away with anything (and the media will...

The Washington Post editorial board spelled out Friday what most conservatives already know to be true: Democrats can get away with anything. Not only that, they can be applauded for getting away with...

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Sunday morning talking heads, the What Hath We Wrought in 2019 edition

It's the last Sunday-show lineup of the year. Should viewers expect retrospectives and perspective, or just more of the same impeachment and election fare? With one exception, expect business as usual...

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CNN forgives reporter who tweeted about "fags" and lesbians in college

Last night, John pointed out the glaringly obvious fact that the liberal media is ready and willing to forgive any Democratic politician for virtually anything they do, even if a Republican in a...

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Biden backtracks in Iowa, now says he'd obey subpoena to testify

Joe Biden finds himself in a self-inflicted verbal dust-up with the press this weekend. He is now trying to clean up remarks he made during an interview with the Des Moines Register editorial board...

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The father as a model of love: Sunday reflection

This morning’s Gospel reading is Matthew 2:13–15, 19–23:When the magi had departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Rise, take the child and his mother, flee to...

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NFL week 17 open thread, the End of the Road Edition

Jazz: I'm still not sure how it happened but after sixteen weeks of this competition, Ed and I remain right where we started. I went a disappointing 3-4 last weekend, neither passing or falling behind...

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Domestic terrorism: Machete-wielding assailant stabs five people in rabbi's home

Saturday night, during a menorah candle-lighting ceremony in the home of Rabbi Chaim Leibush Rottenberg, the leader of Congregation Netzach Yisrael-Kosson, in Monsey an intruder entered and began...

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Activist predicts extraterrestrial Disclosure in 2020, blames Trump for secrecy

Nobody wound up being able to "see dem aliens" during the Storm Area 51 events this year (or if they did, they didn't live to tell the story), but that doesn't mean that everyone has given up hope....

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Baltimore succeeds in breaking murder record of the century

Well, they managed to do it and it didn't take long at all. Just yesterday we were discussing how the city of Baltimore, Maryland had tied the 21st-century record number of murders at 342 on Thursday....

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Report: Taliban agrees to ceasefire in Afghanistan

There is some good news in Afghanistan following a report of a temporary ceasefire between the U.S. and the Taliban. Details are still being figured out but it appears to be for at least ten days so a...

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Reports: Iran hits military base in Iraq with missiles after Hezbollah...

I made a quip about the deteriorating relationship between the U.S. and Iran in my post on Afghanistan, but it appears things may be collapsing faster than originally believed. Iran reportedly fired...

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As DACA ends, deportation proceedings begin

While the decision is still technically hung up at the Supreme Court, DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) remains on track to come to an end. Absent some sort of comprehensive immigration...

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The proposed Taliban ceasefire is nothing to crow about

Last night, Taylor discussed the breaking news over the weekend that an official ceasefire with the Taliban in Afghanistan may be imminent. This likely came as a surprise to at least some observers who...

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Yale psychiatrist to Pelosi: A "mental health hold" on Trump is inevitable

It is nothing new for Bandy X. Lee to sound the alarm about her opinion that President Trump is mentally ill. Lee began warning anyone who would listen about the danger she believes President Trump...

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Biden: Sure, I'd nominate Obama to the Supreme Court

C'mon, bro. There's no way he's turning down that Netflix coin for a gig as lame as shaping the course of American law for the next 25...

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The left is gaslighting the country about anti-Semitism in New York

The left is once again trying to connect political violence to the right without any evidence. We've seen this many times before, perhaps most memorably in the attempt to attach a mass shooting in...

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Texas church shooting: Good guys with guns saved a congregation

A man walked into West Freeway Church of Christ in White Settlement, Texas and opened fire as the worship service was live-streamed. Viewers watching online saw the horrific scene play out in...

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Gallup: Trump ties Obama for top honors in poll of most admired men of 2019

I'd expect POTUS to throw a fit upon learning that he's no better than tied with O in a popularity contest normally, but this result is progress for him. He finished second behind Obama the past two...

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China sentences pastor to 9 years in prison for 'subverting state power'

A court in China has sentenced a well-known pastor to 9 years in prison for the crime of subverting state power. Pastor Wang Yi was arrested last December along with his wife and 100 members of his...

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